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A review by librarianinperiwinkle
The Highland Dragon's Lady by Isabel Cooper


For readers' advisors: Story doorway is primary, setting secondary. Some swearing & battles with a ghost/demon. Steamy sex scenes (heroine starts out a virgin but not demure or shy). Heroine's brother is gay, but that mostly serves as a plot device for why he's not interested in the vicar's sister his parents are trying to set him up with.

I enjoyed the story but wish the author had fleshed a few things out, such as where Reggie's ability to read thoughts and memories came from or its broader significance. I felt like more could/should have been done with that. Also, I'm still waiting for an explanation of how the MacAlasdair family can live in a small village without the locals being in on the secret. Villagers would be the first to notice if the noble family members didn't really age, even if they didn't figure out the part about shape shifting into dragons. Still, it's an interesting genre-blending series.