A review by narteest
Demon Love Spell, Volume 1 by Mayu Shinjō


So far this is one of Mayu Shinjo's more pure stories. It's not quite as smutty yet I think, the last volume will be quite a bit. This is also more along the lines of Love Celeb and Midnight Children both of which I loved, if you can't tell (haha)

Miko can't see spirits despite the fact that she's a shrine maiden, next in line to inherit her father's shrine. Because of that she's pretty damn lively when it comes a hint or whisper of spiritual activity. Then she meets the lust demon, Kagura and well, banishes him. Except rather than completely banishing him, she shrinks him into a cuter, tinier version of himself. Kagura can only survive on the passions of women, so when Miko seals him, well, he then starts going after her.

Miko: I actually think she's one of the less stupid characters in Shinjo's works. I don't mind her in the same way I don't mind Kirara as much in Love Celeb. There is one moment where I really wish I could slap Miko's face. But the event passes and the result, well, actually made me like Kagura more Lol! Miko is strong, highly averse to Kagura's perverted ways and definitely not quite as much of a pushover as the other Shinjo female protags. She's also pretty damn pure too. Even her parents are funny!

Kagura: Perverted yet strangely honest lust demon. He's also childish ang really cute in his chibi form! He also comes to love Miko very much! (One thing I like about Shinjo's mangas is that the guys do fall in love the girl pretty quickly, and afterwards will only love them, yet at the same time, I like that the girls are not under any illusions. They do acknowledge that there is a possibility that the guy won't like them.)

Contemporary Japan! As with most shoujo manga, many scenes take place at school, and some in the shrine.

As always, beautiful. The words really convey the feelings of the characters. The artwork, I really like Shinjo's artwork, especially the guys, they just seem really beautiful in a masculine way, compared to some others (but don't ask me to name them! I can't think of any at the moment). This is also one of her mangas where the female doesn't look incredibly petite next to the guy.

So far great manga. I want to know how it ends, ignoring the obvious, I wonder how the next arc will end.