A review by mugadum
The Talisman Ring by Georgette Heyer


Eustacie and Ludovic are romantic idiots prancing around in and about a murderous mysterious mystery while being chaperoned by the two wiser - but no less entertaining pair that is Tristam and Sarah. The mystery itself is way too simple. I'd rather call this a mystery-themed comedy, and a great pea-brained-flying-pig comedy it is. The dialogue is sharp and witty, and the personalities are standouts. I think several quotes are just about enough to explain the chaotic energy that is this book:

'Then understand this, Sally!', said Sir Hugh. 'Not a yard from this place do I stir until I have that fellow laid by the heels! It's bad enough when he comes creeping into the house to stick a knife into young Lavenham, but when he has the infernal impudence to turn my room into a pigsty, then I say he's gone a step too far!'

Ludovic is stupid, brash, and easily manipulated...despite being on the run for suspected murder. Which of course leads to hilarious scenes like this,
"He was not one to submit patiently to being an invalid, nor did it seem to be possible to impress him with a sense of the dangerous nature of his situation. Once he was possessed of his clothes, nothing short of turning the key on him could keep him in his room. He strolled about the inn in the most careless way imaginable, his left arm disposed in a sling and Sylvester's great ruby on his finger. When begged to conceal this well-known ring somewhere about his person, or to give it back to Tristam for safe-keeping, he said No, he had a fancy to wear Sylvester's ruby. Twice he nearly walked into the arms of local visitors to the Red Lion, who had come in for a tankard of ale and a chat over the coffee-room fire, and only Miss Thane's timely intervention prevented him sallying forth into the yard with Sir Hugh to win his bet with a little marksmanship.

Miss Thane, accustomed to handling the male, did not attempt to dissuade him from shooting. She merely suggested that if he wished to fire a noisy pistol the cellar would be the best place for such a pastime. Ludovic was just about to argue the point when Sir Hugh providentially pooh-pooed his sister's suggestion, on the score that no one could be expected to culp a wafer in the wretched light afforded by a branch of candles. This was quite enough to make Ludovic instantly engage to win his wager under these or any other conditions, and down they both went..."

Eustacie is airheaded and shallow-minded, and her romantic notions all seem to birth from Radcliffe mysteries or her being rescued from the guillotines in France.

Eustacie gave a joyful shriek. 'Basil!' she exclaimed, clapping her hands together. 'Yes, yes, of a certainty it was he! Why did I not think of that before? Miss Thane, it is my cousin Basil who is the villain, and although you do not know him I assure you it is much, much better, because he wears a silly hat, and I do not at all like him!'

Sarah Thane plays around with Eustacie's notions and joins in with the group's plans and fooleries, but stays a bit more practical-minded and very funny in her actions. In a quest to search for a hidden panel in the suspect's Dover House, she takes it upon herself to become an endless talker. The end result is hilarious enough to knock off your socks. Her brother Sir Hugh is the ignorant chap, or so he seems to play off as, but his at times indolent behavior, or at times angry behavior are things to watch out for with popcorn in hand.

Tristam is the straight-laced fellow of the bunch and seems very much like a caretaker of 3 wild animals. His scenes with Sarah are the best of the bunch and they really do play off that banter quite well between the two of them.

All in all, it's a simple substanceless story but a funny one. Definitely worth a read.