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A review by isabellarobinson7
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine - Fool's Gold by Fabio Montovani, David Tipton, The Sharp Brothers, Scott Tipton


This "review" is going to be like 90% pictures from the graphic novel. I have tried to crop out speech bubbles that give away too much about the story and put the images in random order to avoid spoilers… though I assume not that many people are worried about spoilers for this kind of thing

Rating: 3 stars

Fool's Gold, similar to it's sequel, Too Long a Sacrifice, (that I read first... oops) is a mystery-type story taking place aboard the space station Deep Space Nine where Odo must find the clues to solve... the mystery. That is just a round-about way of saying this book is Odo doing constable stuff. Why I made it so complicated, I don't know.

But you're not here for a proper review, are you? If you are, sorry, you're in the wrong place. Check out some of the other people who have written stuff about this book if you want that. Here we just do funny pictures. So here we go!!!

First of all we have a couple of inaccuracies. Not little niggly things, proper details that are incorrect (well, I suppose they are kind of niggly, but I digress). The first is a spelling mistake!! They spelled Jadzia wrong!!!!!! They wrote it “Jadzea”. Observe:

NOOOOOOOOOO. Come on, all you have to do is look at the credits, or the subtitles, or literally anything with her name in it and you would have the correct spelling right in front of you.

The other problem I had was that the Chief's got an ensign pip! No!! He is meant to be petty officer, i.e. no rank. See, look what his Wiki page says: "Senior Chief Petty Officer Miles Edward O'Brien was a 24th century Human Starfleet non-commissioned officer" SO NO RANK. And yet they gave him A RANK in this book:

INCORRECT. I told my dad about all these inaccuracies and he said to me “well you can’t read that. It’s wrong. It’s false”

Also linking into the above image is that Kira looks like the women in super hero comics. Always. Big chest, big hips, all the sexy women things (also in that picture she looks possessed by Pah Wraith).

I've gone on for ages. Now I have little mental power left so I'm going to quick fire with some funny pictures. First couple are Dax, so here's Jadzia looking weird:

Cool. Awesome. The second Dax one, this time she looks like she has some pretty epic lip fillers:
Am I just seeing things? Nah, she definitely looks like she overloaded with the cosmetics.

Now we have two shots that made me laugh. This one of Dax and Sisko is funny:
And this group shot caused me to snort:

Ok, so this one is kind of cheating a bit because I did zoom in a bit, so you probably would not see it in a physical copy, but here's a weird Bashir:

The Odo Illustrations Segment
The shining light of this graphic novel is the myriad of Odo depictions. The illustrator just could not decide how he wanted to portray Odo, and fair enough to be honest. I'm saying this from no drawing experience, but I bet Odo is a difficult character to draw. How do you even begin to tackle his face, for a start. One time I was watching Deep Space Nine and my brother came in, saw Odo, and said something akin to “that guy looks like it face has been sanded down too much with sandpaper” and I think that's a fair description. How do you draw a sanded-down person?

Well, let's start off positive, showing that it can be done:

In my opinion, that's a good Odo. So, they've shown that they can do it. But you came for botched illustrations. Well, do I have some Odos for you. But I'll start off slow. If the above image is an ideal depiction of Odo, this one (to me) is slightly off:

Not the worst, but it is still not my Odo.

From now we get into the ultra strange territory. There were too many hilarious ones to put them all here, but I have picked three of the worst (or best, depending on how you look at it) to show you. We have this one, which I cannot even begin to introduce so I'm just going to throw it up:

How...? Why...? HUH?! What was the design process going into this image?!

Now we have what I like to call the Two Teeth Picture. "What?" you say. "Odo has more than two teeth!" Well, this picture begs to differ:

Tell me he doesn't look like a baby crying out for his teething ring.

And lastly we have this one. Thankfully he has a full set of teeth (never thought that would be a measure of quality) but there is just so much wrong with this image. I can't put my finger on what exactly is wrong, but my brain doesn't like it one bit. When I saw this for the first time, I snorted so hard I dropped my phone I was reading the ebook off of. Ok, enough rambling. You've probably skimmed down the page so you already knew what was coming, but here it is:

In all it's glory. This will never not be funny.

That’s the end of the Odo ones. Now I will show you just one more picture (almost done, I promise), we have my favourite - these guys:

Both of their expressions! I love it! It makes laugh out loud! This background guy, he has the best face. I love this!!!!!!!

Ok that's it. I hope you enjoyed all the funny pictures... or if no one got down here, hi future me.