A review by camscornerbooks
The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker


The story of the greatest war in history, the greatest warriors the world has ever known. But what if they weren’t legends? What if they were simply men? Men good at fighting and conquering. Men who took what they wanted, what they “earned” from sacking a city. Even men born of gods, the mundane ordinariness of them, of their temper tantrums and their swelled ego and their insatiable pride.

What about the stories of everyone else? The women captured from those sacked cities. The slaves they all become for their captors. What are their stories? How does history look through the eyes of those not blinded by the gleaming of these legends?

The slave of Achilles and for her that Achilles left the Trojan war for a time tells in her own voice the tale of the greatest of the Greeks, her voice ringing out through the silence of the girls.