A review by pardonmywritings
Scarlet by Marissa Meyer


I loved all the characters in this book. Cinder, Kai, Thorne, Scarlet, Wolf.

I can't wait for more Thorne in Cress but I seriously need a Cinder-Kai reunion!

Wolf and his relationship to tomatoes. I swear I hate tomatoes but this guy will make me growl at them less. (Ehhh, see what I did there!)

Cinder and Scarlet were such badass girlfriends when they got the boys onto the ship and Scarlet shoot the thaumaturge.

I can picture this book as a movie so much but at the same time, I don't want it to be ruined.

The discovery of Cinder's surgery reminded me of Coulson's surgery in Agents of Shield.

And the beast army which Levana is building reminded me of the inhumans in Shield. If you know, you know...

I don't know how Marissa Meyer has managed to write a better sequel when I loved Cinder. And now people are telling me Cress is even better. I can't even.

What do you think of Scarlet and the series?

What other YA series are this good?