A review by judithdcollins
Time For Me to Come Home by Dorothy Shackleford


Time for Me to Come Home was a wonderful and magical Christmas story by Dorothy Shackleford (Blake Shelton’s mother) and first novel. The novel is fictional; however, based on holiday memories the Grammy-nominated singer shares with his mom. His mom has written several songs, one of which is a song this novel was based on and appears on Shelton’s Christmas album, “Cheers, Its Christmas.”

Heath Sawyer - 35-year-old country singer from Oklahoma who realizes that he wants to be home for Christmas when he performs a sold out show in Madison Square Garden. Plenty of challenges stand in the singer’s way as he tries to make his way home for the holidays. One being the weather, cancelled flights, derailing of Amtrack, and some crazy characters. One feisty and independent woman he meets at the airport is one which changes his heart.

There are part of the book which even remind you of Blake with his fun-loving humorous wit and his love of drinking. A sweet Christmas book with love of family and some romance.

I would highly recommend buying the audiobook by Dorothy Shackleford and Travis Thrasher as MacLeod Andrews was very sexy as the narrator and could listen to him all day and night!