A review by dagoth_ur
Oathbringer by Brandon Sanderson


My favorite one so far, I liked all the political stuff but Shallan and the veil/radiant thing got annoying fast.
also here are some notes I took, they aren't really in order and almost all of them have spoilers
Woah okay man, (some spoilers for oathbringer) Evi :(, her death was a little disappointing I REALLY wanted her to be evil like I saw spoilers before I read this on accident, and I think I misinterpreted it I thought Evi would do something and Dalinar would kill her tbh I really wish Evi had some more to her character other than "man Dalinar maby you shouldn't be killing people?"
I used to really like Shallan, I think I still do I just can't stand Veil its kind of funny though because it's like "okay here's Dalinar he was a bad guy but he is getting better" "Here is Kaladin he is finally getting happy after seeing him sad for two books" then there's Shallan "Yea this lady can't get a break she's going in a downwards spiral" I like Jasnah but she isn't good for her.
But I really like seeing reverse character development Shallan is just doing worse and worse like before Veil and Radient were temparary now they are almost separate people. veil was just used to get into the ghost bloods and radiant was just for that one time to train with Adolin
Dalinars flashbacks are also really well written, he sucked he almost killed his brother, he almost killed a kid, he burned a bunch of innocent people (he was betrayed but come on you don't kill innocent people who had nothing to do with it) still it's funny to think i can still like someone crappy as that, it is also cool thinking that we the readers are finding all this out the same time Dalinar is i wish we could see more of his reactions remembering (i really liked the part where he passed out small as it was) but I'm just getting REALLY sick of Veil.
ok now that wit talked with Shallan she is WAY more bearable, but every time she thinks about Veil I freak out because I REALLY don't want to read more about Veil. But I think the time in Shadesmar will be really good for her to take a leadership role and mature more
and i guess the notes stop there unless i can find some more