A review by letarawrites
The Time of My Life by Patrick Swayze


I loved this autobiography. I loved Patrick Swayze. I grew up with his movies and was devastated when he passed away. This autobiography gave a good insight into his life and his love for his wife. Their relationship was absolutely beautiful. Mr. Swayze spoke of his talents and achievements in a humble manner, which made me love him even more. His fighting spirit really shined, not just with him telling the reader about it, but through his career as a dancer and actor, and before that, an athlete.

I've read my fair share of memoirs lately and I really appreciate that this is an autobiography rather than a memoir. He doesn't jump around the chronology of his life, nor does he put too much focus on one specific time. He moves through his life from adolescence up until the present time, which was not long before his passing. Also, I appreciated that his story was just his story and not an attempt at being a self-help book like it seems so many memoirs are trying to be in recent years. He simply expressed his thoughts and emotions, and sometimes the lessons he learned through various situations, specifically with his wife. The book is very straightforward, which I thought was wonderful.

I still miss Patrick Swayze as though he were a relative of mine, but I'm glad he left behind a great body of work, including this autobiography, for us to cherish. Based on interviews I've seen where other people talked about him, he seemed like a really nice guy, and this book cemented that for me.