A review by parklandmom
The Lies We Believe by T.K. Chapin


When a child - even an adult child - makes a bad choice, it's hard to let them go. It tears at a parent's heart. Asking the Lord to take the load is hard and sometimes we snatch it back. The reader feels for the main character when his daughter chooses a cult over her Christian faith.

It all becomes much more involved with many more players. The action is non-stop, but the main character always takes time to pray and to contemplate about mistakes. He does his best to make any wrongs into rights.

The ending was missing something for me because I didn't totally understand some things with the daughter and what happened & changed with her. I also wondered about the monetary aspect mentioned and how that worked. I don't want to give any further detail and cause a spoiler.

I liked that the main character was very realistic. He had faults and yet he was a man of faith.

This is my second book by this author and I look forward to more.