A review by magikspells
The Paladin Prophecy by Mark Frost


I actually just picked up this book random, I saw the name and decided to download it. And I'm glad I did. Honestly, this book is a really hard book to categorize because it really didn't end up in the mold of any of my previous shelves. And I think that's what I liked about it, why it was so much fun for me.

In the beginning I got a very Percy Jackson feel as Will is introduced. There's a lot of intrigue about who he is and where he comes from right out of the gate. And there's not a whole lot of time wasted on story set up before the action starts. Thankfully this action isn't at the expense of character development.

But as we get further into the story, we start to meet a whole host of other people like Mark (who I just love, but my love of angels sorta sways my opinion there) and then the kids at the school like Elise, Brooke, Nick, and Ajay. I love them all. I even liked Lyle, which shouldn't surprise anyone that knows my love of devious characters.

All in all, this book took a lot of turns I wasn't expecting. The school vibe reminded me a lot of [b:How to Lead a Life of Crime|15715844|How to Lead a Life of Crime|Kirsten Miller|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1351217641s/15715844.jpg|21385511], just without being so criminally directed. It's very much that whole idea that there's an elite few people that control the world we live in. I find that really interesting.

Plus the book has a fair amount of diversity in the cast, but it doesn't really feel the need to draw attention to that. I did think it was weird that there were a lot of mentions of Native Americans though, perhaps I only noticed some of it because of my job. Some comments obviously related to the overall storyline and other's would be passing comments. Definitely wasn't a bad thing, it just reminded me of how an anthropologist would describe things. I really wouldn't mind if stories looked more in depth at Native American history instead of relying on historically known groups (Cherokee, Chickasaw, etc.) to describe all of American history prior to European contact. I DIGRESS!

I really enjoyed this story, I'm looking forward to the next one and finding out more about this prophecy.