A review by panicatthebookstore
Nine Minds by Daniel Tammet


This was a brilliantly written collection of stories about nine very different people, from different parts of the world, all with one thing in common: Autism. Each story gives us a look into how autism can differ from person to person; in the way it presents and in the way it affects their daily lives. I felt particularly drawn to the story of Billy, a young boy rendered mute, unable to advocate for himself, but having a strong mother who fought for him in every way possible. 
I'll give you a little rundown of these remarkable people: 
Vaughan - a brilliant hand/wrist surgeon, excellent in his field but struggles with daily conversations 
Kana - a Japanese woman studying and researching loneliness, particularly amongst those who are neurodivergent 
Warren - a police detective whose autism has helped him solve numerous murders throughout his career.
@naoisedolan - an Irish author currently working on her third book. 
Billy - a boy who lost his ability to speak at the age of 2, and now in his 30s communicates via a device.
Amanda - a blind woman with autism who uses a form of echolocation allowing her to 'see' 
Cédric - a mathematician who ran for office in France 
Ayo - a bullied girl who became a beauty queen
Danny - a Hollywood icon

I'd highly recommend this book.