A review by saltygalreads
She's Gone by David Bell


Hunter and Chloe are high school seniors and in love, with that all-consuming intensity you can only feel when you are 17. Hunter believes Chloe is his best friend and that they know everything about each other. Then on homecoming night, disaster strikes, leaving Hunter recovering from injuries in a car crash and Chloe missing. Where is she? It seems like few people believe him when he insists he has no memory of the accident and he doesn't know where she is. Fortunately his close friends and family have his back, even if the rest of the town thinks he did something to Chloe. And then his old friend is murdered after he and Hunter have an argument. It doesn't look good for Hunter.

I love David Bell's writing and was thrilled to be approved for this one. It did not let me down - interesting characters, relatable plot and lots of suspicion to go around. I thought I knew who was responsible but it turns out I was wrong. There was only one minor hole that left me with some questions but it wasn't a deal-breaker. For me David Bell is becoming one of those authors that is an automatic read as soon as a new one is released. I would give this a 4.5. A big thank you to NetGalley and Source Books for this copy to read and review.