A review by panicatthebookstore
Summer Camp for Slasher Victims by Matthew Mercer


Camp Safe Woods was set up for kids who have survived unimaginable traumas. Some of these kids have lost family/friends to serial killers. Some barely made it out alive. Their stories are all different, but their trauma is the same, and what better way to deal with it than to all gather together at a camp just for them. But what happens when Camp Safe Woods is no longer safe? 

This was an absolutely amazing book. It was fun, campy, gory, and I couldn't put it down. I flew through it in 3 hours, and I was gutted when I got to the end. It was a modern take on a slasher, but still somehow managed to capture an 80s slasher vibe. I just saw a review that said there's a sequel coming, and I really hope that's true because I need more. I'd also love to see a prequel for each of the characters' back stories because they were all definitely worthy of their own books. 
If you love slashers, this one is for you.