A review by the_jesus_fandom
The People vs Muhammad - Psychological Analysis by J.K. Sheindlin


Warning! Muhammed was a disgusting person so this review will mention r*pe, pedophilia and necrophilia.


I don't have much knowledge of Islam myself, but all of this does fit in with what I already knew. It was pretty intense, especially the parts about necro- and pedophilia.

I did object to the author's comment that carrying the "offspring" of your r*pist is hellish. Yes, it's incredibly traumatising, but this is exactly the reason many women today kill their own unborn children. Dehumanizing the "offspring" is wrong.

There was a lot of repetition (for example, the part where Muhammed told his followers to bathe in sewage water was repeated about 5 times), but the author confesses this at the beginning, and, since this deals with Muhammed's psychological issues one by one, some overlap is to be expected.


Although the author is an expert on psychology and Islam, it's clear English is not his first language. He misuses the phrase "of which" constantly, among other things. He really should have had an editor, and the fact that he didn't is a real shame. Now anybody who disagrees with the book can just focus on that instead of the content.