A review by theproficientreader
After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid


This is undoubtedly one of the best books I've ever read, and it's something that will stay with me forever.

“Make no mistake: I do love you. Just because I don’t feel the love in my heart doesn’t mean I don’t know it’s there. I know it’s there. I’m leaving because I’m going to find it. I promise you that.”

I've never been married but I could feel everything. I think it's because I understand. I somehow understand the reality of marriage life. Not the full extent of it but maybe how things are in the beginning and how long-term relationships can be like.

After I Do is beautifully written. It's heartbreaking, confusing, insightful and uplifting. You don't even have to be married (or divorced) to appreciate this. And If I could share everything that I've highlighted, I would, but I won't because you have to read it yourself. ;-)

“Maybe it doesn’t matter if you need someone during the everyday moments of your life. Maybe what matters is that when you need someone, they are the one you need. Maybe needing someone isn’t about not being able to do it without them. Maybe needing someone is about it being easier if they are by your side.”