A review by ravensandlace
Undercover by Danielle Steel


Title: Undercover
Author: Danielle Steel
Genre: Adult Thriller
Format: hardback book
Series: N/A 
Star Rating: 5 stars

Please note that this is a review from 2016. At that time, I did not keep track of trigger warnings so apologies. Young Lacy did not know what she was doing back then. 

Oh my! What I felt throughout the entire book was just pure dread and adrenaline. This book was so crazy! It's one of the better DS books that I have read. This would be a great introduction to DS if you have never read her before. This is so unlike any other book she’s ever written. I hope she writes more books like this because I am hooked and I want more.

So basically the book has two different POVs. One is of Marshall. He was into undercover work and spent years in a jungle with a drug lord to bring him down. This is how the book starts. But after his mission ended, his superiors were worried that he went too deep. So they assign him to be Secret Service to the President. However, he gets shot and life comes to an end for him.

I felt so bad for Marshall. He lost his love in the jungle. She was the drug lord's sister. The drug lord found out who ratted him out and so he shot her to make Marshall feel the pain. I mean that has to be the worst feeling in the world. Ugh! I felt so much pain for him. So then he gets shuffled around and put to work in the one place he didn't want. That is like a double blow. But at least he begins to enjoy it for a little bit. Until he gets shot. Now he is basically out of work and can't do anything. I mean to have such an exciting life come to an end like that? Man, I couldn't even begin to imagine what that must feel like.

Then we have the POV of Arianna. Her story is just as wild as Marshall's. She moves to Argentina because of her dad. He is an ambassador and Arianna helps him out because it's only her and him. She gets kidnapped falls in love with her kidnapper and gets pregnant with him. Some major Stockholm Syndrome is going on here. I mean that is really outside the box for DS. Like very outside the box. As Arianna tries to recover from that experience, her life is still in so much danger.

Arianna and Marshall meet because Marshall can't resist working and notices that Arianna is being followed. He noticed that she buried a box. Being the detective that he is, he digs it up and reads what's inside the contents. I won't say anymore but their lives become entangled in the best and worst ways.

If I had any complaints, it would be that the ending kind of just came out of nowhere. It went much too fast for me. I mean yes, I'm glad it ended the way I wanted it to, but I needed more information. It just seemed to end. Just like that. But that is a very small, very minor complaint. Overall, this was such an amazing book and I could keep talking about it for a long long time.