A review by whatbritreads
I Stop Somewhere by T.E. Carter


This book was so haunting, but such an important read. I literally couldn’t put it down, I read it all pretty much in one sitting. The writing was absolutely stunning and broke my heart in all of the rights was. It is by no means an easy book to read, there’s no happily ever after, but it deals with the issue of assault in such a well-rounded manner.

Despite not necessarily being a coming of age novel, this did feel very relatable in terms of growing up being a girl who is hyper-aware of her body and how people perceive you differently as you grow up. How you have to learn to fit into your new skin, to try and deal with how that changes how people look and talk to you. Though this no longer relates to me as an adult, I remember being that same teenage girl always wanting to be ‘prettier’ for everyone elses sake, to be noticed, to be wanted.

It deals with a lot of different emotions - from guilt, to sadness, to complete blind rage. It encapsulates how damaging and severe this kind of thing is to not just the victim, but everyone else who is left behind or struggling with the aftermath. I think it was very apt how the book highlighted not all perpetrators are visibly ‘bad’ people - they’re out neighbours, classmates, boyfriends.

Definitely a lot to unpack in this book, and I cannot do it justice.

I don’t even know how to accurately review this - I would urge everyone to read it and make up their own minds. Be warned it is very graphic though and may be difficult for some to read, look after yourselves and don’t read it if it may upset you. Though this was a work of fiction, it is by no means far off from what happens to girls everywhere constantly.