A review by jenniferdeguzman
Life with Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse


Oh, wow, these stories are such a delight to read! Light without being frothy or mindless, they were just the thing for me when I wanted to shake out some stress after finishing my thesis. I like a bath as much as Bertie Wooster, and this was perfect bathtub reading. It's been a while since I've laughed aloud while reading a book in any way other than a wry chuckle, so what fun to read Bertie's description of playing with a rubber duckie and just laughing outright!

Bertie's voice is so clear, by the time you get a few stories in, you feel he's your chum. His slang is catching. Two days into reading, and I was saying "Dash this" and "Dash that." The stories have predictable trajectories, but they never feel predictable in their details, and knowing the whole time that Bertie's schemes will fail and he will have to be rescued by the inimitable Jeeves made me feel part of this world of rich young men with silly nicknames and brash young women in country manors.

I was so sad to have to leave that world when I finished the book. Fortunately, there are more Jeeves and Wooster stories to read.