A review by whatyoutolkienabout
Bloodstone Legacy by Denise Lee


This is the first of a series and I have to say I love and hate that. I love it because I can’t wait for the next book, I hate it because I can’t wait for the next book!

I will be honest it took a little while for me to get fully invested in Kerri but by chapter two I was nearly there and by chapter three I was all in. This is a bit of mixture of speculative, science fiction and fantasy and I loved it. It’s got an urban fantasy feel as well which is one of the genres I’ve loved since my teens.

The pacing and plot are well developed and I found they flowed rather well. There wasn’t a lot of information dumping that didn’t make sense, that’s to say if a character was having to explain something to Kerri they didn’t sound like they were doing it literally to build the world or make us aware but how you would explain a situation to someone new to it or experiencing it.

I really liked all the characters, well all the good characters and found the concept of inheritance used in a rather unique way as well. I can say I honestly said ‘No!’ when the book was over because I need to know what happens next and will definitely be getting the second book when I can.

If you enjoy urban fantasy with a lot of character, a well woven story and that will keep you hooked this is the one for you.

As always thank you to Love Book Tours for the copy to review. My review is always honest and truthful.