A review by nonna7
The Cat, the Lady and the Liar by Leann Sweeney


If you are looking for a fast, fun read, look no further. Leann Sweeney's latest quilter/cat lover book is a lot of fun. There's not a lot of emphasis on quilting, but lots on cats. The latest plot is a bit of a stretch. A stray cat that belongs to a wealthy woman is picked up by Shawn who operates an animal rescue and is passionate about cats. Before he returns the cat to its rightful owner, he asks Jillian to check out the owner basically to see if he SHOULD return it to her. A little far-fetched perhaps. Jillian goes to the house and is accused of trying to collect a reward for the lost cat. While she is there, she sees the lady of the house fall and leaves quickly. She is stopped by the police chief and told to leave the town and not come back. However, the next day the same lady of the house shows up at her house at night in her night clothes and her personal assistant, a young woman named Evie, is found dead in the pond on Jillian's property. Definitely a little far-fetched, but the writing is decent and it's a fun read.