A review by jscarpa14
The Bride and the Beast by Teresa Medeiros


Another hilarious read from Teresa Medeiros. I'm lucky that Medeiros has intriguing cover images because if she didn't I probably wouldn't have ever picked it out of the large box of books I got it from. If I hadn't I would have missed out on a delightful read.

Gwendolyn Wilder has lived with a lifelong crush, since before the age of nine she has wanted no one other than Bernard MacCullough when she believed him dead the year she turned nine, she was devastated and never really moved on. She hid her nose inside books, covered her body in drab clothes and let the world criticize her weight. She even believed they were right and that she in some way deserved their insults while her beautiful, thin, promiscuous sisters deserved their attention. She was the smart reliable sister, who took care of their addled and aging father and did what needed to be done.

When the town becomes plagued by what the residents believe is a real life fire breathing dragon making demands upon their village it is Gwendolyn they turn to read his demand notes. And it is Gwendolyn they decide to offer as a virgin sacrifice when they are unable to meet his hefty demands.

Bernard MacCullough had his life stolen from him at the age of fifteen when his clan betrayed their laird, his father for one thousand pounds in gold. Since that day when he saw his parents slaughtered by the English before his eyes for offering sanctuary to the Bonnie Prince, while the clan they led cowered in fear, locked away safe in their homes he has wanted naught but revenge. Taken prisoner and forced into service for the Royal Navy he's made his own lot in the world without even his name to guard him.

Fifteen years after that fateful day when his dreams burned before him, Bernard is back and he will have his revenge on the town who betrayed his family. He will learn who traded his parents lives for a mere thousand pounds in gold. What he didn't plan on was the beautiful virgin sacrifice that was left on his doorstep as an offering when the traitor in their midst wouldn't give up his gold to save his town. She had the power to ruin everything for only she knew he was not a beast, but a man and only she had the power to unlock his heart.

The interplay of these two stubborn characters is not one to be missed as you join them on their journey of letting go of the past to embrace the future, and opening their hearts to fall in love. He gives her the confidence to see the beauty she's hidden away and she gives him the light he's hidden from for fifteen years. She gives him a person he can trust which is something he's not had for fifteen years. They argue and thwart each other at every turn, keeping a reader turning the pages and laughing at their antics.

It's a definite must read.