A review by mastersal
Don't Look Back by Amanda Quick


Cute and frothy book which follows the Amanda Quick mystery template quite closely, this second book in the series is competently told and delivers what I expect from a romance-mystery hybrid. This book tilts more to the romance side of the hybrid than [b:Slightly Shady|367690|Slightly Shady (Lake/March, #1)|Amanda Quick|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1403189658l/367690._SY75_.jpg|6171493] which will colour your enjoyment depending on the mix you like. I prefer more mystery in my mystery novels so I liked this less than book 1 (see: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/2218597172?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1). Now only if GoodReads allow half stars!

There were developments in the book from a character perspective, such as the emphasis on mesmerism which were weak IMHO. I know mesmerism was mentioned in Book 1 but I was taken aback at its prominence in this book. Ms. Quick does like a dash of the paranormal in her mystery but too me it was like excessive salt in the stew.

The mystery only really kicked in in the last two-thirds of the novel. The first third was spent on the lead couple’s banter and the so-called progression of the romance. While there was no OTT angst or passion, the banter relied too much on the “men are from Mars and women are from Venus” trope for its humour. Tobias was ‘driven crazy’ by the “antics” of Lavinia and she was irritated by his ‘high-handedness and stubbornness’.

I don’t mind a little bit of this type of humour but too much of it makes women come across as more helpless and clueless part of the couple. Lavinia’s insistence that “she is an equal” partner is a bit grating and silly as she doesn’t do too much. She runs off and gets into trouble pretty much every time she solos. Tobias has to save or correct her all the time. It worked better in Book 1 than in here as I didn’t think Lavinia had really much to do in the mystery except to be stubborn and take the case in the first place.

In the end - this was tending to a superficial but pleasant read when the ending happened.
Spoiler The whole metaphysical link and Tobias having superpowers was a bit much and made me roll my eyes because of course the hero was super powerful
. It was basically so that Book 3 could exist which irks me. And for that I am reducing the rating to 2 stars.

I will finish the series - if only because I have book 3 from the library sitting on my shelf!