A review by becandbooks
Quiet Girl in a Noisy World: An Introvert's Story by Debbie Tung


Note: I received this book from Netgallery in exchange for an honest review. Thank you to Debbie Tung and Andrews McMeel Publishing!

Okay I did really enjoy this book. It's cute, it's humorous, and in so many ways it is ridiculously accurate about my life.

The illustrations were so so quaint and the grey scale really fitted with the story. I loved the concept of a story progression but still including the bits and pieces of every day lives that could easily act as standalone comics.

My issue is this: the book title is 'An Introvert's Story' however I think there is definitely a blur between introversion and clinical anxiety in this book.

The character herself throws out the term social anxiety in one frame. And then it's never mentioned again. There are things depicted in this book that, from personal experience, I would think lean towards anxiety rather than stock standard introversion. The sweating and the difficulty functioning at work for example.

I think it's irresponsible to throw an issue, even if it seems barely so, into the mix without addressing it. Even more so to throw it in addressing as something else entirely.

I did really enjoy the book, but I honestly think that it's the responsibility of the author and the publisher to clarify these points or remove them. Because labeling even a fictional character as 'just an introvert' when they have display (even mildly!) atypical behaviour is potentially damaging.

Clarify these points and remove the unnecessary social anxiety term and you have a great little book that a large group of indoor-solitude dwellers can enjoy.