A review by anotherhalima
Psycho Devils: Aran's Story Book 2 by Jasmine Mas

second read: 

so i still stand by that the kings are not redeemable. however aran is one of the few mfc in rh that actually stands her ground despite intense depression and everyone making her life a living hell. i have no idea how author is going  redeem them but i’m telling you right i personally would never accept anything from them at this point. if i was arans sister/friend i would make it my life’s mission to tear these men down.

the twins being added to romance was actually surprising. i like guy girl wholesome friendships and keeping it that why would’ve fun. however aran needed it at this point.
their first real hookup being in a party was a choice the author made.. v romantic… totally. also are we not going address that luka through her in that sea? no? okay

the punishment w john was the most disgusting thing ever! throughout my reading career i’ve wondered why some authors just hate their characters. aran didn’t have a single day of peace in this book. 

the macro story is so confusing. i don’t know why we have to read the characters thinking the same thing a hundred times but not focus on this supposed war a little more. also how are these ppl supposed to be serving gods when they just kill just cause? i agree with aran what kind of disturbing god saw the kings and was like yeah them make them the beacons of justice???? what???? so confusing!

i could be wrong since it’s been a minute since i read arans book one but didn’t she have gender identity issues. i thought she preferred being identified as a guy? i also remember her hating guys so idk.

anyway the positives of this book are the twins( i find siblings in harem so incestuous but ignorable at this point esp since ppl are literally beating her up), aran and sadie’s friendship, jinx
poor jinx…also shes twenty four wtf? she’ll be the next instalment clearly
, moments with aran and sadie’s mates and arans humour(which was a miss sometimes but when they hit it was fun).

all in all it has addictive quality to it. like you know it’s bad but you can’t stop. my standards for rh have plummeted since i last tried read this. anyway arans story is complete now i think so i’ll cont.

first read: dnfed on july 30th at ten percent

i hate the kings so much that i don't think they have any redeeming qualities to them. dnfed at ten percent