A review by bethandhertea
Neanderthal Marries Human by Penny Reid


Awww this bummed me out. I adored Neanderthal Meets Human, but the characters in this one (despite being the same ones!) just really irritated me. I found Quinn charming if a bit overbearing in the first book, but in this one he just annoyed me. I understand loving and wanting to be fully committed to the person you are marrying, but getting annoyed that she has some completely legitimate concerns (they have only been together for 5 months without any bad times, no she doesn't want to get married immediately either) just made my hackles rise. I did appreciate the conversations that were had about Janie having conversations in her head and counting them as fact, or about how she just assumes that he will be leaving her in the future (see the conversations she has in her head). All in all, I was pretty let down by this sequel, but I will still read some more in the series!