A review by verymom
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir


Just finished! Will now enter withdrawal period for book #3.

Listened to Audiobook which was really well done. Three actors to play Laia, Elias, and (girl crush) Helene.

There is a love triangle (the love square of book #1 is lessened a bit, by the circumstances) but OH MY WORD the twist is really very cool and I'm extremely interested to see how it plays out. Elias is incredible, I'm crushing even harder on Helene, and if you only liked Laia in the last book she rises strong in this one, though she risks everything and everyone to save one person from an impossible situation.

For conservative and/or younger readers: Fairly clean (swear of choice is something along the lines of 'ten hells' or a variation thereof), and some fade to black love scenes. I wouldn't hand this to my pre-teen due to the high level of violence, but wow, as I said in my review of book 1, it certainly raises the stakes which makes for a much more emotionally gutting novel.

The magic elements are ramped up a bit in this book and it's all very interesting. I'm really fascinated by this world and the mystery of Laia's abilities and what Helene might do with hers. And Elias's deal! What...??!!

Do I really have to wait a whole year for the next one? ::cries::