A review by aallen820
White: The Great Pursuit by Ted Dekker


As a stand alone story I can see how the allegory world romance with Thomas and Chelise could work. However, it felt very high school infatuationesque and rather sudden even when taking into account Justin's interaction and encouragement.
SpoilerThomas should be a grieving widower and father of two children. He seems so caught up with Chelise and his own children barely make an appearance or cross his mind throughout the book.
I may have missed something from a time perspective but my understanding was that Chelise was born to Qurong after the fall and that should make her around 16 years old at the time of White with Thomas around 41. That seems problematic but maybe age and maturity is different in allegory world.

As a picture of how Jesus pursues us even in our sin, I did think their romance was an interesting metaphor.

As a villain, I thought Woref was well written and his interaction with Teelah and the resulting impact was a natural progression throughout the story.

I mostly liked the ending of the real world story and Thomas's decisions there but would liked to have a bit more satisfying end to the villains. It seemed rather short and impersonal given that they upended the whole world.

Again, like in Red, I thought the minimal involvement of the Roush and Shataiki in White were notably absent when they seemed more active parts of Black.

Overall, I didn't dislike White and on the whole liked where the story ended up but just would have preferred some elements to be written a little differently or better explained. Perhaps some of my reservations with it are addressed in future books in the series.