A review by isabellarobinson7
The Hero of Ages by Brandon Sanderson


Rating: (still) 5 stars

This reread was good. I used this book as one to read in between longer ones when I had nothing to read, so I only managed a chapter or two a month. My original review is below:


Rating: 5 stars

I just finished The Hero of Ages. I am in shock. I can't form words. How am I going to function now?

Ok, so I was right in my review for The Well of Ascension. The Well of Ascension is my favourite book in the Mistborn trilogy, but only just. The Hero of Ages is most definitely a 5 star read; there is no fault in it but The Well of Ascension was just incredible and probably my own personal all time favourite at the moment.

My mouth was completely agape throughout the last 100 pages or so.
Man, I thought Veronica Roth was brave with the ending of Allegiant (yep, that part), but Brandon Sanderson did the same thing TWO-FOLD five years earlier in The Hero of Ages! Aaah!

Spoilers for The Well of Ascension:
You know what was wierd? Elend being Mistborn. It took me the first few 100 pages to get used to seeing the words "Elend burned this" or "Elend flared that" because I was still coming to grips with the fact that he could burn metals. It probably happened like this to me because I read The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages straight after one other, so the events of The Well of Ascension, particularly the ending, hadn't fully registered.

Spoilers for The Well of Ascension:
One thing a liked about The Hero of Ages was the lack of romantic drama! Vin and Elend having married in the previous book (and Vin got an alliterative name!) meant that they were happy with their relationship and didn't need to figure out who they loved and who they didn't etc. which was really good for someone like me who really doesn't care for romance in books.

For some unknown reason, I have never liked Spook. I guess he just annoyed me, but there is more to it, I'm not not sure what. Regardless, I actually enjoyed the things he was doing in Urteau and found them quite interesting.

In short, Brandon Sanderson is a literary genius. The Final Empire is a work of art; The Well of Ascension is pure perfection; and The Hero of Ages is a terrific finale to an equally terrific series.