A review by kailey_luminouslibro
Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder


I've read this book so many times that I've lost count! Every time I am charmed all over again by the stories of wilderness survival told from the perspective of a little girl. The beauty of this novel and the others in the series is the simplicity of life that is described. Gather food, build a home, work hard and have a little fun on the side- this is all they required back in the day. In this entertainment age, it's so refreshing to be transported back to a time when things were so much simpler and slower.

My favorite character has always been Charles Ingalls, or Pa, as he is referred to in the books. He's boisterous and jolly. He's steady and strong, hearty and dependable. I have always been drawn to him because he's a musician, and of course, I'm a musician as well. I was also fascinated by him because my Dad's name is Charles too, so as a child that was a big deal to me, that moment of recognition of a father figure from my real life carried over to a book.

I have always felt a kinship with Laura. She is so feisty and determined. She's loud and energetic, and those are all qualities of my personality too. I sometimes get frustrated with perfect timid Mary who only wants to play with dolls. I was the tomboy, climbing trees like Laura, and getting into trouble.

I love rereading this classic story that never gets old! There's a beauty to the writing style too that really paints a picture of family life on the frontier.