A review by nadineeeeeee
The Final Gambit by Jennifer Lynn Barnes


this was soooo much fun! i was a bit scared that i wouldn’t like the mystery but i ended up LOVING it. the romance though……….. the return of the intense “i can fix him” mentality, that’s the reason why it got knocked off -0.15 points. 

I DONT GET IT. like we were good in book two, still iffy but BETTER. and with averyjameson as the endgame in the sequel, they were going off STRONG. i don’t know why we had to dredged up grayson and his brooding “i’m broken unfixable” tortured persona and did it in a way that’s more dramatic than ever which is just……….. ugh ew. 

i feel like we could’ve explored more into grayson’s trauma from the previous books (especially the last one with if you know what) and with what’s happening now without bringing back the love triangle in full force. the entire just ended up being cringe to me. “oh the brooding hurt blonde guy with his white shirt unbuttoned at the top sitting by the window playing the violin, sad and beautiful, after just breaking one” STOP. it just made me dislike him for a second when i found him a great character in the second book 😭

unless it’s a subtle and minor moment with a minor character in the big picture as a whole that make our main love interest slightly jealous and make them realize with an oh!, i despiseee love triangle. and the romance in this just made me realize it more. because they just went around and around when it could’ve been SOOOO MUCH EASIER.

i do love averyjameson though. at first i wasn’t sure when i started the second book (i wasn’g rooting for anyone really) but as the series went on, i was like OH FUCK YES. they ARE the power couple. i get a good part oc the fandom now. 

xander!!!!!! my love!!!!!!! i love him so much. he’s just silly and funny and to be honest, probably the most emotionally intelligent out of all of the other brothers. maybe alongside nash. and yes maybe it’s because i’m just biased because i’ve become very fond of this scone obsessed mad scientist guy more and more throught.

THE ENDING. I LOVED IT. i think it was so good. i loved the mystery, the climax. so gooddd. 

like i’m kinda thinking of getting brothers hawthorne and the newest book now………… at first i wasn’t interested because at the time i still hadn’t given the second book a try but now!!!! hm maybe i should. i almost cried happy tears over these fictional rich kids so like. maybe i’ve gotten too deep in this. 
