A review by bookishrealm
From Head to Toe by Eric Carle


I read this book as a part of the picture book challenge I am participating in on my blog. One of the categories was to read a book that is a book by Eric Carle so I decided to choose this book. If you're interested in the picture book categories I'll be reading from as part of the challenge be sure to check out the link here: 2017 Challenges.

After reading so much Eric Carle last year, I was happy to find that I still enjoyed his works and this one in particular. I was definitely fooled by the cover in seeing the blue gorilla because I thought that it was going to be solely about animals. Little did I know that this book encourages movement in children with the help of animals. If you're looking for a way to assist your young child in moving around more or becoming more flexible I would definitely recommend this book.

The various movements and motions had me wanting to attempt various twist and turns! I loved that the text overall moves the child in the direction of proving that they, like the animals, are capable of being just as flexible as the animals they see from day to day. I think this is great read aloud material and something parents/guardians should think about doing with their little ones. The artwork was great as always and in the amazing style of Eric Carle.