A review by lindsay_co2bl
Friend-Zoned by Belle Aurora


3.5 Stars (Sorry, I just couldn't handle what happened to Bear!)

Okay, so this book has a story behind it. A long, long time ago two friends agreed to read this as a buddy read. Well one day, one of the friends picked this book up and read it without the other! (Shocking, I know)…Friend 2 was a little hurt. They had all these plans to read together and chat while reading and in that moment, the plans were gone! *poof* This caused a great rift between the friends (not really). So fast forward a few years, the friends have made up (a minute after the bombshell was dropped) and they had the BRILLIANT idea *sarcasm* to do a Year of PIFY (Pick It For You)! (In actuality, this was a HORRIBLE idea)…and this book was picked for Friend 2 by Friend 1. Needless to say, all those hurt feelings came back (they really didn’t) and Friend 2 was nervous going into this book.

Ok, so all of that actually happened. This book was picked for me, by Nikki and while I was excited (I was finally going to read it!!!), I was also nervous. Not because it had anything to do with the book itself, or hurt feelings (there weren’t any), but because this is March aka month 3 of the PIFY year and, well….it hasn’t been going well. January was a bust and February was a failure. So we haven’t had the best track record. So after much procrastination, I started this book.

It was pretty much what I expected. It was a fun, friends to lovers story. There were some surprises (some good, some bad) but overall, this was a success!!!

I enjoyed the way the friendship developed between Nik and Tina. I loved how nervous she was when the officially met, the way she immediately put him in the friend-zone and how their two groups slowly became one giant group of friends. I also loved their group get-togethers. But, I also liked the moments when it was just Nik and Tina. And the steam factor…definitely hot!

I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have a few issues (and there were a few)…one was that while I enjoyed the friendship between Nik and Tina, I also kept wishing that they would just talk to each other and stop assuming that the other one wasn’t interested in more than friendship. They’re not mind readers, TALK PEOPLE!!! The other issue I had was the death of Tina’s pet. That’s an issue for me. I just can’t take it and consequently, I ended up crying (twice) and having to walk away from the book for a while both times.

Other than that, I really did enjoy the story and I must also confess that I’m completely taken with Ghost and can’t wait to read his book. I’m not convinced that Tina’s friend Nat is the girl for him, but…we shall see!