A review by shanehawk
The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet by Nina Teicholz


My liking of this book is biased by my dietary choices.

With that being said, Teicholz put a massive amount of research into her book. I equate it to be a popular science version of Gary Taubes’ 2007 book Good Calories Bad Calories. I would recommend both to the curious, but preface Taubes’ book as being less accessible to laymen and chock full of in-depth analysis of nutritional research. Teicholz managed to take the bulk of GCBC and sift out the extra details that may cause the Everyman to get lost and/or bored. Both have their place, of course, but I would recommend this book to anyone new to this arena. It would make a great gift to any curious reader.