A review by notalek
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


2nd read, june 2022

za drugim razem ta książka była jeszcze lepsza aaaaa
właściwą 'recenzję' już pisałem, to tym razem wypiszę po prostu parę mniejszych rzeczy które bardzo lubię w tej książce:

– relacja ronan-blue
– relacja blue-mr.gray
– RELACJE RELACJE RELACJE, romantyczne platoniczne romantyczno-platoniczne po prostu wszystkie
– Henry Cheng
– Neeve próbująca być Rozsądnym Człowiekiem W Pobliżu Demona, podczas gdy Piper Greenmantle była Piper Greenmantle and just didn't care about them both. iconic.
– Artemus czasem potrafi zirytować w tych niewielu scenach w których faktycznie się pojawił, ale jego "not today! no, thank you! too many events this decade." cytat jest 10/10. poza tym nie wiem podoba mi się bardzo idea tir e' elintes czy jak oni się nazywali

i dużo więcej, ale można wymieniać i wymieniać. słowem (a właściwie trzema), IT IS GOOD. czas na reread cdth.


1st read, april 2021

Again, I have no idea how many stars I should give. If we're talking only about how I enjoyed reading – five stars.
If we're talking more objectively – I don't know, 4? 3.7?? I have no idea.

There are things I could complain about but you know what, I enjoyed reading this book (and all of the books from the Raven Cycle) so. much.

It was interesting, it was sometimes very scary, and sometimes it was really funny (like, really, I would laugh out loud and then few pages – or even paragraphs – later I'd just sit there with big 'WHAT THE HELL' on my face, because of how fast things were changing sometimes), and it managed to have me reading it for whole days, whenever I had time.

Also I just wanna say that: Henry is awesome.

And: I know I've said it before, but – relationships in these books. That's it.

And: now I wanna read "call down the hawk" so bad, because this ending didn't really feel like and ending, I need more. And I'm really curious what will happen with some things and some people, cause some of them were just... left, and yeah. I want to know what will happen next. Because if in the dreamer trilogy they won't say anything about some things then I will be really disappointed. I don't know if what I'm saying has any sense and I'm probably very repetitive because it's late, but whatever.

So in conclusion: I'm giving it five stars, hoping that the dreamer trilogy will explain and maybe expand?? (I think that's how it is in english) some of the things that happened.