A review by ravensandlace
Power Play by Danielle Steel


So I read this book last year before I got on Goodreads. I had bought the hardback of this book because I'm a dummy and didn't think that I had a copy. Which I did. Luckily, my mom likes Danielle Steel so I can just give her the paperback version of this that I own. As soon as I find it.

But anyway. On to the review. This book is amazing. The two primary characters are Fiona and Marshall. Both are CEO's of very important companies. We follow Fiona as she navigates the challenges of being a single mom and a CEO, while finding love. I found that I liked her story but not as much as Marshall's. Maybe because Marshall's story was more dramatic.

Marshall is a CEO of another company and he has two families. He has a wife Liz with three kids and a girlfriend, Ashley, with twins. Ashley knows about Liz but Liz doesn't find out about Ashley until quite a while later. I found myself pushing through Fiona's story so I could get to Marshall's, so I could see what drama would unfold. The two stories also collide but it's very mild in how they collide.
Basically, Fiona's daughter is dating Marshall's son.

Later in the book, Ashley gets chapters. It was nice to see the mistress side of the family. You genuinely feel sorry for her and the situation she is in. She knows that what she is doing is wrong but Marshall is such a smooth talker, she just ignores that side. He tells her that he will leave Liz, that he loves Ashley, etc. I liked reading her chapters although at times I found her to be a bit of an idiot. Who stays with someone for 8 years and is totally content being on the side?!

Everybody gets a happy ending, even Marshall. Though he doesn't deserve it. This book makes you wonder just how many CEO's have secret families and things like that. It's amazing what power does to someone. Makes them think they are invincible. But overall, this was a solid book. I have no complaints.