A review by liseyp
Your Word Or Mine by Lia Middleton

challenging dark emotional reflective sad tense medium-paced


Thank you to the author, publishers Random House and NetGalley UK for access to this as an advance reader’s ebook. This is an honest and voluntary review.
Comparisons with Anatomy of a Scandal are inevitable given some similarities in the basic set-up, but Your Word or Mine very much stands on its own merits as a powerhouse thriller and rollercoaster of a ride.
The characters are sympathetic and believable and they really draw you into the heart of this story. The courtroom drama is pitched at just the right level so it doesn’t focus too much on the process, while also giving a realistic sense of a system at work that doesn't always meet the needs of the victims it is supposedly supposed to be finding justice for.
.Lia Middleton proves herself once again as a mistress of the morally dubious thriller where otherwise good people make bad decisions from a place of fear or good intentions