A review by mastersal
Daughter of the Blood by Anne Bishop


With all the other things happening in the world and getting bad news at work has made my brain rot. I decided to pick this book again (in fact I bought the ebook - and then bought the combined bind-up of the trilogy as my paperbacks are across the globe). After my last successful jaunt back into this fantasy world (see: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/3020761436?book_show_action=false&from_review_page=1) I figured this would be a comfortable but fun reread. After all - why =not? 7th times the charm.

This was still a fun reread - I had forgotten how dark it is. The later short stories are more comfortable and play up the quirkiness of the characters. I had remembered this book being the same so it was a surprise to recall the darkness of the world and the story. I did have to skim the ending a little because it was a little much for my mood - worth reading but I wanted to focus on the “cute” parts.

This book is one of my favourite romance-fantasy series. The characters are still OTT ridiculous in an addictive way. This still holds up after many years. This will not be to everyone taste but I love it. I am going to make this a full 5 stars since I thoroughly enjoyed my time with this.

I will probably go head and skim read the other books as well when my physical copy arrives.