A review by sarahdm
The Witness for the Dead by Katherine Addison


The Witness for the Dead is both very different and similar to The Goblin Emperor.

Similar in that its doesn't really feel like a lot of plot is really happening. Yes, things are happening as we are brought along on "bring the reader to work day" with Celehar. There are several murders, forged documents, stopping a ghoul, and tragic accidents, as Celehar goes around doing his whole magical detective thing. But we also just mill around with him as he gets tea, eats breakfast, ignores the passing flirt of an opera writer, sells a coat that is just not his color, etc.

Its also different that being a magical murder detective that the things happening actually do have plot that doesn't just comes and goes. Celehar's job really is the driving force, not Celehar himself in this one. So unlike Goblin Emperor, this is NOT character driven at all but more what it means (boring or otherwise) to be a witness for the dead in this world.

I don't know about this one. On the surface, its pretty boring. Nothing is really happening, Celehar isn't changed by the events of the book, Celehar isn't even really an interesting or likeable character here. But the continued exploration of the world is just too interesting to not like.

If there is such a thing as a cozy low stakes murder mystery day job simulator, this is it. Do not recommend unless you are already in love with the concepts in The Goblin Emperor.