A review by hugbandit7
The Vines by Shelley Nolden


Lately, I have enjoyed reading books that tie actual places and events to fictional stories. I appreciate learning about places I have not been and the impact they had on the world at that time. This is the case in this debut novel and North Brother Island in New York and the facilities that were located on the island in the early to mid-1900s.  The facilities sheltered the sick and mentally ill and probably the most famous person housed there that most people know is Typhoid Mary. There is also a reference to a ship that caught fire and many died not able to escape the blaze or drowned in the river.

The story focuses on Cora, a young woman that is brought to the island with her sister to hopefully isolate them from spreading disease until they are well. However, what ensues is lifelong imprisonment for Cora and subjected to the whims of the Gettler men who happened to be doctors on the island.

The story flips between the past and the present and while it seems unbelievable, it also held me captive wondering how things could have happened as they did and how did Cora survive the cruel and unusual behavior of the doctors on the island? Why did she not try and leave? The answer to that question might blow your mind.

I don't want to reveal too much, but there are some events that shocked and surprised me and also broke my heart knowing what Cora went through. She may be a tough woman on the outside, but she still endured emotional and physical pain that most would not have survived.

When I got to the end, it is revealed that there will be a sequel to follow. This is good because there is quite a cliffhanger at the end and I have to know what happens next for Cora and all of the Gettler men. Will they change their ways? How will it impact their families? Inquiring minds want to know.

I am giving this book 5 paws up. There are times when the story drags a little bit but overall this story held my attention and left me wanting more.