A review by mountie9
The Unseen by Katherine Webb


The Good Stuff

Absolutely, positively engrossing - you are hooked from the very first chapter
Author is brilliant at setting the mood and setting of the story - you really feel like you are part of the story
Loved the switching back and forth from 1911 to 2011 - gives it a unique twist
Fabulous well rounded characters both in the past and the present
Lots of suspense, murder and secrets with just a hint of the occult
Cat is a truly fascinating character - full of strength and fire, trying to fight back against the constraints of being a women in the early 1900's
Kept me up late at night reading I so badly wanted to know what happened
Will definetly be looking for a copy of the Legacy by the same author
A perfect story for a cold winters night or to lose yourself in at the cottage (or beach)
Loved how the two time period plots intersect without being unbelievable
Could see this one being turned into a movie - has it all love, sex, murder, women's rights, past and present intersecting - fabulous stuff

The Not So Good Stuff

Drags a wee bit half ay through - some stronger editing would have made this into a perfect 5 Dewey's
Wanted to smack Hester quite a few times, but her character is very true to the women of the time

Favorite Quotes/Passages

"Cat serves the dinner, digusted by the luxury, the excess; the way the theosophist turns down the meat, his expression blase, sanctimonious. How many others in the world have need of meat? Cat wonders. When now it will go back to the kitchen and spoil, and be thown away and wasted because the cold store is full of this thoughtless young mans' toys."

"Would you have been content if you had been told, when you were still a child; you shan't be a poet, or a minister, or a politician. You shall be a cleark in a bank. Would you have been content, never to have been allowed to try other things? Never allowed to find out what you wanted to do, what you wanted to be?"

Who Should/Shouldn't Read

Mystery/Suspense lovers will thoroughly enjoy this one
Fans of historical fiction will also be fascinated by this

4.5 Dewey's

I received this from WilliamMorrow in exchange for an honest review