A review by firstimpressionsreviews
Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith



Career of Evil is the third book in the Cormoran Strike series and unfortunately, it will probably be my last.  I enjoyed the book’s two predecessors however, this installment was long-winded with a backstory that felt unnecessary or had already been touched on in a previous novel. 
At times Career of Evil felt more novelesque than mystery, almost as if the author forgot what genre they were writing and would throw in a dismembered limb for shock value.  I wanted to like this novel but with the poor attempt at character development and a mystery that got lost in the thick of it, it wasn’t easy to get into. 
I was hoping the ending would redeem itself, but sadly, there was no a-ha moment with a lackluster reveal that felt forced.  I had to slog my way through to the end of Career of Evil and only felt relief when I had finished.