A review by noa_ashley_
Red Zone by Nicole Dykes


"You are so damn perfect, Dallas. I don't know how it's possible that you don't know that." - Colt

"I never thought I could have anything like this, I never let myself even dream of it." - Dallas

Dallas has a lot of moments were he was panicking and Colt told him "Just breath, baby." Colt was a stable person and that is exactly what Dallas needed and deserves. Colt showed him that he is loved and that there is nothing wrong with him. If you have read the "Kensley Panthers serie" then you already know about Dallas past and the "scandal" with him and Coach Leighton (book 4 in the Kensley serie) but if you don't know, that s totally fine because in this book you get the story in Dallas his own words. I really appreciate that we got both their stories in their words in both books.

Colt has always been Chloe's protective brother so it is no surprise that he wanted to get to know Dallas for her and Christian. I love the meaningful conversations between Colt and Dallas. This book felt very hopeful and especially for people that grew up the way Dallas did.

I love the small moments with the characters from the Kensley Serie and how the series tie together. I'm very excited to read about Benny, he is a great friend!

"What happened to Coach Leighton was wrong, but what happened to you was also wrong." - Benny

I read an ARC copy of this book, thank you so much for the opportunity.