A review by nehailism
Master of the Game by Sidney Sheldon


Contains spoilers

It is no [b:Bloodline|300225|Bloodline|Sidney Sheldon|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1298570618s/300225.jpg|291389] or [b:Rage of Angels|43328|Rage of Angels|Sidney Sheldon|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1356445383s/43328.jpg|1475717] but it has its own charm. Charm that kept me hooked to it throughout. What more is there to say? I love Sheldon. His stories and writing style appeal to me on an incredible level. Some do criticize him but not a single book penned by this man has failed to bewitch me. No other author has had that uninterrupted continuity to hold my rapt attention for so long; only this man. I was engrossed and rushing through the pages to read the ending.

This story spans to a hundred years and five generations following the creation of one of the biggest business empires in the world.

The immorality and power-hunger that began with Jamie McGregor passed to his daughter Kate who grew up to be a cunning, manipulative, controlling, immoral, power hungry bitch. Odd thing is, I couldn't hate her. Everything that she did to the people she claimed to love, manipulated and steered into her direction of choosing; you just couldn't help but admire that woman. She deceived David into marrying her, she constantly deceived and lied and deceived and lied to her only son, telling herself she was doing it for his own good when all that she was doing was for the company and its welfare (can't blame her much tbh you can't just risk such an empire going in the hands of strangers, who don't give a single shit about the formation or about the painful and legendary story behind the name of the company). Her son's story however did not go too well, did it? After such effort all she received in return were a few bullets to her neck and back and a homicidal schizophrenic paranoiac son. Teehee.

Then come the twins of Tony (Kate's son). My God. If there was a character that I hated, it was Eve. That walking scum of earth deserved each and every thing that came to her. A satisfying end. Alexandra too wasn't very appealing. Seemed spineless and did not have an interesting personality. Bland.

Alexandra's son Robert marks the fifth generation that began with Jamie. At the end we see that Kate is plotting to do exactly what she did with his grandfather. Slowly and gradually, with elaborate genius planning, turn the kid away from his true passion. Painting in Tony's case, music in Robert's.

All Kate ever wanted was an heir to the empire. Someone who'd look after and run the business after she died. Which she didn't even at the end of the book, that ninety-year-old trickster.
She didn't care who she was hurting and what unhappiness she was causing to her family as long as her purpose was served. Which was to be the master of the game. And master she quite was.