A review by bookishhill
Soul Eater by Lily Mayne


2nd Read Through:
4.5/5 ⭐️s

Some books grow on you, and I genuinely can’t get enough of these characters. Minus half a star because I still don’t like that plot jump closer to the end of the book, but I loved everything else so much! Also, it was fun spotting all the hints for future characters this read through too. All the Seraph call-outs have me itching to reread that one soon!

1st Reading:
3.5/5 ⭐️s

Loved the romance! Wyn and Danny had such an amazing growth from intrigue to friendship to attraction then love. I wish we’d gotten more plot to supplement the romance though. Also, there’s a bizarre jump in plot later in the book that genuinely threw me. I kept waiting on it to come back up, but it never did, and that ruined the ending a bit for me. Still, this is a strong debut, and I can’t wait to read more!

Spice: 3.75/5