A review by bandherbooks
Night Hawk by Beverly Jenkins


A speechless Ian stared down at the woman who’d caused it all. She met his gaze with a raised eyebrow.

Gosh, what a fucking great romance. Is there anything I like more than a romance with a tough as nails love interest who is just completely baffled and astounded by someone they find themselves falling head over heels with?

Maggie is great, I love how she thwarted Ian left and right and kept him on his toes. Also the way Ms. Bev shows menstruation in her books is goals - more of this please (and her heroes are always caretakers for their lovers, the best).

Ian tried to make amends. “Man like him just wants to put you behind a plow, give you a bunch of babies, and work you to death.” “And what will you give me besides a date with the judge?” “If things were different, books.”

And this line!? Marry me.

Perfect romance, perfect cover, loved every minute of this read.