A review by larsdradrach
Gods of Mars: A Barsoom Novel by Edgar Rice Burroughs


Continuing the story from [b:A Princess of Mars|40395|A Princess of Mars (Barsoom, #1)|Edgar Rice Burroughs|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1332272118l/40395._SY75_.jpg|1129624] in more or less the same style.

After dying on earth John Carter finds himself back on mars where he has to overcome one incredible obstacle after the other, leaving him in a cliffhanger every second chapter (and at the and of the novel).

Even though the style is the same, the narrative feels more chunky and some of descriptions of the various races dwellings and hideouts was hard to follow.

I might give the next novel a go at some time but for now i'm giving John Carter a well deserved break.