A review by dollycas
The Cat, the Lady and the Liar by Leann Sweeney


Jillian Hart is back with her three wonderful frisky felines, Chablis, Syrah and Merlot, for another Cat In Trouble Mystery. This time they are joined by yet another feline who was found near the highway. This rescued kitty's high brow attitude has proved to be too much for shelter rescue owner Shawn Cuddahee. He has begged Jillian to take the royal Isis and help him determine if she should be returned to her rightful owner, who has not returned any of his calls, or be put up for adoption for someone that truly wants her.

This leads Jillian to a huge mansion in nearby Woodcrest, the home of Ritaestelle Longworth, the registered owner of the lovely long haired, green eyed, black cat with diamond studded collar. Unfortunately the meeting doesn't go as planned and Jillian ends up making a hasty exit from the grand estate.

Jillian soon learns the town gossips are questioning the incredibly wealthy Longworth's sanity due to some unusual behavior and when Ritaestelle shows up at Jillian's door clad in a bathrobe, wearing slippers claiming she is being drugged and is in fear for her life Jillian starts to believe the gossip.

But before Jillian can even start to can get to the bottom of Ritaestelle's claims a body is found in the lake behind Jillian's home and the eccentric Longworth is standing at the end of the pier holding Chablis, and both she and the cat are covered in blood. Ritaestelle begs Jillian to help her and she can't say no. So with the help of her intuitive feline companions she begins her quest to claw and paw out the clues to solve yet another murder mystery.

The last book in this series was my favorite cozy of 2010, so you already know I love this series, but Leann Sweeney has outdone herself with yet another purrfect paws down marvelous mystery.

The new characters added from Woodcrest to the already beloved characters from Mercy are well defined and cleverly written. You can envision them popping right off the page, from the eccentric Ritaestelle and each of her quirky relatives, down to the gossiping Dolly at a local coffee shop. Have to say I loved Dolly, reminded me of someone, just can't put my finger on who :)

The plot is strong, smart, intriguing, and will keep those pages turning one right after another until the very end. The cat's antics will have you chuckling throughout. Why are cats whiskers a certain length? The answer can be found within the pages of the truly wonderful story.

If you are already a fan of this series you are going to absolutely love this next edition. If this series in new to you and you love a fun mystery that will engage you immediately and/or love cats, pick up the first two novels so you are ready when this one is released in April. I promise you will love each and every word!!

Thank you Leann for allowing me to read an advance edition and not making me wait until April to enjoy this awesome cozy, kitty treat.

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the author. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”