A review by caseroo7
Three Simple Rules by Nikki Sloane


Review originally posted at Ramblings From This Chick

I have to say that Three Simple Rules by Nikki Sloane really surprised me. Honestly I never expected to get as sucked into this story as I did, and I couldn't put it down. The characters were likable and easy to relate to, and while I knew that there would be plenty of sex with this book I didn't really expect to feel the connection I did between them as well. This book was super hot, but it was also so much more than that. I did have a few things that weren't my favorite, but for the most part this book was fantastic.

When Evie makes a costly mistake at work, she begs her boss to let her fix it on her own dime. The amount of money is more than she has though, so she finally agrees to sell herself for a night as her best friend Payton has been trying to get her to do. She will give a stranger one night of sex at an exclusive club in which he pays for her all the while she is kept in the dark of who he actually is due to a blindfold. But when her night arrives and the blindfold comes off, she is shocked to find none other than her boss Logan was the one who bought her. As they spend the night together, they agree on a set of rules that they must follow for their time together. But as their time together comes to an end, they both find themselves wanting more than one night together.

I really loved Logan. He was so sexy, and I loved how much of a dirty talker he was! He was commanding and pushed Evie's boundaries, yet he was also sweet and caring with her. He had been interested in Evie long before their night together, and I loved finding out just how much he had always thought about her. He was so much more than the jerk from work, and I loved getting to know him better. I thought that he made a few mistakes throughout the book, but I was glad when things finally came out and he was able to be completely honest with Evie. Evie was easy to like, and I thought that she was a really strong character. She was willing to put herself in an uncomfortable situation to keep her job, and she had no guilt or shame over it. I loved how secure she was, and the fact that she looked at it so positively was so refreshing. Even when things happened that she was upset about, she always seemed to look at the plus side and I really admired that about her. Evie and Logan were hot as hell together, and to say their chemistry was off the charts is an understatement. These two were fantastic together, but it made it even hotter because of the connection they had. These two just clicked on every level and it really showed.

Honestly, this book was really close to being a five star read for me. While it was really close, there were a few things that prevented that for me. This book did have a couple of times when there was some menage action, with one full on threesome. The first one didn't bother me at all, and the fact that it was a M/F/F surprised me. That just isn't my thing, and normally it does nothing for me. It was pretty hot in this one though, and I didn't mind at all. The actual threesome in this story was hot as well, don't get me wrong. What bothered me about it though was when it occurred. To me, I felt like it was bit too far into the relationship between Logan and Evie. I felt that it was a bit unrealistic that there were no feelings of hurt or jealousy, and I found myself more bothered by it than the characters. I just felt like at the point in the relationship they were in that it was too much. They were connected so emotionally at that point that I just felt it shouldn't have happened, no matter the fact that I saw it coming from the start. I also felt like most of the conflict in this book was resolved far too easily. At the end something pretty huge happens, and although the characters are upset about it the whole thing was pretty much just brushed under the rug. While that is nice in theory, I just didn't think things would be solved as easily as that. I know if it had been me I would have been much more upset, and I wanted to see them talk about things more. I did love Logan and Evie though, and this book was a great story as well as being steamy. The ending left us hanging and wanting more, and I am anxious to find out what happened! I definitely recommend this book, and I think that it is just one of those books that you can't help but devour. I already want to go back and read it again.

**ARC Provided by FlirtySubs PR**