A review by bibliobliss
Confessions of a Virgin on a Dating App by Sydney Wilder


 Rating: 3.5⭐️
 Spice: 🌶 

Favorite Quote: "Why is being a woman so  difficult?" 

I did not understand the nerd speak at all but it was soooo adorable. 

The representation of a woman's struggle with her sexuality as a result of not only her religious upbringing but also her chronic illness was amazing! 

The amount of times people said "Endometriosis. What's that?" is pretty interesting and I didn't mind at all because I had absolutely no clue and I'm pretty sure a lot of people are the same. 

From the start I was shouting BE WITH DEV! YOU WANT DEV! 😂 And when they finally got together I was so happy. He is so understanding and the way he cares for her is just amazing. 

I loved this book!